Recommended Safety Codes
Here are some recommended safety codes for a field visit.
Common safety codes
Wear suitable covered shoes, such as dive boots or sports shoes. Do not wear flip flops or sandals.
Wear long-sleeved and light-colored shirts, pants, and hats.
Always pay attention to the tidal and weather information provided by the Hong Kong Observatory. Do not visit the field site during a thunderstorm.
Bring enough food, drinks, and outdoor protective equipment (eg. sunscreen, mosquito repellent, and rain gear).
Safety codes for visits to the soft shores
Check the tidal information before visiting the soft shores, avoid visiting during high tide.
Avoid touching the sap of the mangrove trees - especially that from ​Excoecaria agallocha, which is poisonous and can cause skin irritation.
Do not eat the fruit or any part of the flora. Some species, such as the mangrove associate Cerbera manghas, are poisonous.
When observing flora, be aware of the insects or animals that rest or live on branches or leaves. Do not disturb them or touch them.
Do not attempt to catch crabs. They may hurt you with their chela to defend themselves.